Forecast 2026: 3 Takeaways for the Next 3 Years of the PR Profession

What will the PR profession look like between now and the year 2026?

Thanks to our findings from our 2023 Future of the PR Industry Research Report, we have a solid look into the future of the Public Relations profession and industry. Explore the high priority items that are impacting PR professionals from budgeting changes to interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and CBD. See how they are planning to tackle common challenges and their tactics. This extensive report dives into what PR and comms pros are thinking about right now and the likely areas of focus in the next three years.

See our top three takeaways from the survey in this article by David Olson published on PRsay, a sub-section of PRSA’s Strategies & Tactics magazine.

Download the full 2023 Future of the PR Industry here!

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