How to Enhance Your Media Placements with Brandpoint’s New Broadcast Coverage

As a team of marketers and PR professionals who have been in the industry for decades, we understand the need to grow, improve, innovate and enhance our services to match the needs of brands and their audience. One of our core values, Client Elation, continually reminds us that the work we do daily should also place our clients as the hero of our story.

With this in mind, we’re excited to announce that we have a new and improved addition to our industry-leading distribution network: broadcast TV websites.

This expansion to our distribution network will further enhance your Guaranteed Media Placements by giving you the exclusive opportunity to earn coverage on broadcast TV websites that are part of major news publishers.

What does the updated broadcast distribution network mean for PR professionals?

1. You’ll earn more placements in your sponsored content strategy

With our expanded distribution network, you can earn sponsored content placements on over 40 broadcast TV channels’ websites to help promote your clients’ products and services, at no additional cost. This allows your brand to show up on sites of major-market affiliates like NBC, ABC, CBS and CW in areas such as Boston, Orlando, Milwaukee and California’s central coast. How’s that for coverage?

But don’t worry, this isn’t a new network partner! We have a long-term relationship with this publisher’s daily news publications online, and this expansion is the first time this broadcast TV network of websites has allowed third-party sponsored content on their network. So, for you, this is a turnkey process that benefits from our years of process knowledge, experience in article syndication and a relationship that guarantees coverage.

2. A chance to diversify your media channel mix

In the last few years, we’ve seen some major changes in the way the world interacts with brands and media on the internet. We’re more online than ever, and we’ve heard high demand from PR agencies that their clients want a more robust portfolio for their sponsored content strategy. Additionally, we continue to evolve our products to pivot our distribution and content promotion beyond just newspapers.

With this distribution enhancement, you’ll be able to add a new type of web placement to your media channel mix. People who routinely visit TV news sites like these aren’t necessarily the same as the ones who go to newspaper sites — you’ll benefit from reaching this new audience in new digital locations.

3. Reach the right audience with deep industry and interest targeting

This sponsored content distribution segments your Guaranteed Media Placements into these specific categories: Business, Family, Health, Home & Garden and Lifestyle. Just as with our Guaranteed Section Front and Business Journals placement products, you’re able to target by industry, interests and where your target audience lives. These paid content placements live on the station’s homepage, with no copy changes or editorial variations.

[Read More: 14 Examples of Sponsored Content]

4. Tell your brand’s story with our boosted current distribution reports

With the addition of broadcast TV websites to Brandpoint’s distribution network, your client and campaign distribution reports will only improve. Our online reporting dashboard focuses on readability and seamless navigation, so it’s easy to showcase campaign results for your client and the coverage you gain from distributing through these broadcast channels. With supersized interactive maps, correlative pie charts and state-by-state placement maps, these reports are great for illustrating results for your clients and integrating metrics into your agency’s report system.

How to make the most out of your PR programs

When searching for extra value for our clients and yours, we constantly refer to an interview with Rachel Neff at Finn Partners. In this interview, Rachel shares multiple ways to use Guaranteed Media Placements outside of their normal parameters to bring more significance to her clients. Here are just a few that are applicable for our updated network.

Credibility is key

Gaining credibility through national and local network broadcast channels will only earn more high-quality results for your integrated client campaigns. Amplified media placement and content bring national awareness, and having your brand’s name attached to such a well-known news site will earn instant social advocacy. You can read more here: How To Gain Trust From Readers With Credible Content.

Penetrate new and larger areas of distribution

Gaining more media coverage can always be a challenge. But with the guarantees Brandpoint has in place with our Guaranteed Media Placement network, you can gauge the success by location and very quickly. In the interview with Rachel Neff, she explains how she took successful native advertising content and redistributed it into other geographic locations. There’s more information here to help with this: 5 Industry Tips and Tricks to Get Extra Mileage Out of Your Content.

Testing made easier

In a world where we are constantly asking, “Does it resonate? Does this headline work? What are the click-throughs?“, Brandpoint’s Media Placements with Guaranteed Traffic and Guaranteed Engagement allow you to get your content into the market quickly to find out what’s most important for your target audience. With our instant reporting, you’ll be able to see what worked and where and relaunch with a fine-tuned strategy in place. Some great content to further this point is available here: How to Craft Modern MAT Releases for the New Media Landscape.

Use social media to reach more audiences

And lastly, using social media to boost your published sponsored content is a relatively easy way to get more eyes on your Branded Content like MAT releases, as long as you have the budget. “We’ll take placements in key markets and sponsor them in social media. We’re in a pay-to-play environment and this is a great tool to have!” Rachel said. Share your published post about these Broadcast Affiliate pages on your LinkedIn or Facebook and create either a promoted-post plan or a full ad campaign.

We’re here for you

Need to hear more about how this integrates with your client campaigns? We’re ready to hop on a call and show you how much more you can deliver to your clients. Contact us to speak with your agency representative and learn ways to drive your campaign strategy with our expanded distribution network.

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