What is a MAT Release?

What is a MAT Release?

MAT release, matte release, syndicated content, advertorial — however you spell or say it, this PR tool is meeting the needs of the shifting landscape of America’s newspapers and media outlets.

The MAT release is defined as a branded, consumer-facing article that is distributed to a network of print and online news publishers. MAT releases work seamlessly within integrated marketing campaigns to help ensure that you reach the right audience where they are. The article is written by the brand or agency and distributed through a MAT release partner, making it easy for editors to place sponsored articles in their publications, and it provides PR professionals with guaranteed media coverage.

What is branded content?

Branded content is a type of marketing strategy that includes a variety of content formats that allow you to share your brand’s story. This content strategy provides the ability to connect to your audience by sharing your business’s purpose instead of promoting products or services.

MAT release benefits

For PR professionals who are faced with earned media challenges and need to meet their media metrics, the MAT release is a viable solution. Here are the top five benefits of a MAT release.

1. Guaranteed Media Placements and media coverage

MAT release companies partner with news publishers to form their media networks that agree to publish the MAT articles as sponsored content. These Guaranteed Media Placements give your clients the brand awareness and site audience they’re looking for.  What’s more, PR pros don’t need to cross their fingers that a press release or a pitch will be picked up by an editor.

2. Save time

PR pros will be able to spend less time researching and pitching multiple journalists and editors. Plus, some Guaranteed Media Placement partners will create the content for you, so you can focus on other client requests and deliverables.

3. Measurable results

The reports given to you after a MAT release distribution will also save you time and provide metrics that are ready to share with your clients. However, make sure that your Guaranteed Media Placements company does not use multipliers or inflated metrics.

4. Targeting and formatting options

If you’d like to target a region in the U.S. or a specific industry, some Guaranteed Media Placement companies offer targeted distribution, so you can reach a more relevant audience. In addition, some Guaranteed Media Placement companies offer several digital and visual formats for distribution. Brandpoint offers Guaranteed Mutimedia Engagement for distributing listicles, infographics, slideshows and videos.

5. Earned media opportunities

When your MAT is widely distributed and published, it is out in the world for consumers to share on social media or for other journalists to review and write about. In addition, when distributing branded content with Brandpoint, your article is also posted to Brandpointcontent.com where editors go to find articles to fill empty space in their publications, giving brands more earned media opportunities.

MAT release examples

A MAT release is typically a 400- to 700-word article that provides helpful, comprehensive information in a manner that’s quick and easy to read for a broad newspaper audience.

Formatting your article with numbers or bullet points and adding complementary visuals boost readability and will attract more attention to the article. Learn how to get the most of your MAT release.

The topic should be relevant to your client’s product and industry while helping consumers solve a common challenge that applies to their everyday life. The article should also avoid sales messaging and keep brand mentions to a minimum. Check out these 10 proven tips for creating and distributing a successful MAT release.

Here’s an example of a strong MAT release that was published on ChicagoTribune.com:

MAT Release example: 5 smart home upgrades

Busting MAT release misconceptions

In the world of PR and sponsored content, there are tons of services to help brands distribute their messages to a large audience. Here are some clarifications about the MAT release and how it differs from other content services.

Is a MAT release sponsored content?

Yes, a MAT release is considered a form of sponsored content.

The MAT release has been around as far back as the ’50s — before the term “sponsored content” was widely used. Then in the ’90s, the MAT release rose in popularity, becoming a go-to paid media strategy for some of the biggest PR agencies and brands in the U.S.

Since then, the MAT release has evolved into other forms of sponsored content. For example, Brandpoint offers creation and distribution services for various forms of branded content including infographics, slideshows and videos with in-house copywriting and design services available.

The MAT release may not be a new and trending digital media tactic, but it continues to thrive as a reliable way for PR professionals to secure guaranteed coverage in top-tier national publications for their clients.

Explore the difference:

MAT releases vs press releases

What is a press release? A press release usually contains news about a brand or product and is distributed to editors and journalists through a newswire. The goal is to catch the attention of an editor or journalist who will write about this news for a publication. Aside from paying a fee for distributing to the newswire, there is no cost when a publication writes about a brand or mentions information from the press release.

What is a MAT release? A MAT release on the other hand, is a paid tactic in which media coverage is guaranteed to a network of publishers that partner with a MAT release vendor. The MAT release is a consumer-facing article that focuses on providing useful information, rather than brand-centric copy like a press release.

Overall, a press release is an earned media tactic that is written for an audience of journalists and editors, whereas a MAT release is a paid tactic to guarantee media coverage, and the article is written for a consumer audience.

Contributed content vs MAT releases

The MAT release is also different from contributed content, which is not a paid tactic. Publications save space for industry experts/thought leaders to write a bylined article about their opinions or unique perspectives on a topic in their space. This article must be pitched by PR professionals to editors to receive a placement. A MAT release is not a bylined article or opinion piece — it is an objective, evergreen article that provides tangible tips and helpful information.

Is a MAT release considered controlled media?

MAT releases are considered paid media, which is a form of controlled media. With MAT releases, you can control what you talk about, therefore determining your brand or product’s narrative.

This differs from other forms of content promotion, like getting coverage from press releases, where journalists can decide what angle to take on your story. MAT releases leave that completely in your hands. You might not have control over the platform that your content lives on, but you have control of the content itself. You can also segment the audience to ensure you’re reaching your ideal consumer.

MAT release and the PESO model

At one point in the PR industry, the crown jewel was earned media, while paid media was commonly perceived as the last resort. But, as content marketing and digital publishing have become a norm for many brands, there’s more competition than ever for consumers’ attention. As a result, the internet has become a pay-to-play world and the paid media stigma is falling away.

The MAT release, however, delivers more than paid media results. The real value comes into play when PR pros map out their PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned) strategy, created by Gini Dietrich at Spin Sucks. The MAT release fits into all four stages to support a well-rounded media practice. Here’s how:


The MAT release is, first and foremost, a paid media placement. Branded content vendors (such as Brandpoint) work closely with hundreds of PR agencies and brands to create and distribute high-quality branded content to secure digital and print placements in some of the top publications and media sites in the country.


The MAT release is a unique paid media tactic because of its potential to secure earned media. A Brandpoint Guraranteed Media Placement distributed to an exclusive network of media publishers and is placed on Brandpointcontent.com, where editors go to find articles to place when they have empty space in their sections.


MAT releases (listicles, in particular) are a tremendous asset for social media. Because the articles focus on providing useful information for a consumer, they are more likely to be shared than brand-centric content. In addition, brands can share links to their MAT release placements to their social media pages to boost credibility.


Even if a MAT vendor writes them, the brand owns the content, even after distribution. MAT releases are a great way to supplement a brand’s blog or fill out any media channel the brand might own.


Why the MAT release works

The MAT release works because it seems like everyone gets what they want:

  • Brands get impressions, engagement, brand recognition, etc.
  • Editors get high-quality content to help fill their editorial calendars.
  • The audience (most importantly) gets actionable, valuable information in a convenient and entertaining way.

BONUS: This all comes at a much lower cost than traditional advertising.

Amplify your brand’s message!

Along with the traditional Guaranteed Media Placement creation and distribution that Brandpoint offers, more options are also available. The Guaranteed Engagement includes all the benefits of the traditional MAT release, as well as advanced targeting and promotion.

Guaranteed traffic

By distributing your Guaranteed Media Placement with Brandpoint’s network of publishers, you’ll earn guaranteed traffic to the site of your choosing. With multiple types of add-on options, you’ll have the choice to drive traffic to either the publisher’s website or a landing page hosted on your own site.

Top-tier media sites in our distribution network include Chicago Tribune, SF Gate and Los Angeles Times. 

Advanced audience targeting

As we mentioned above, including different targeting qualifiers ensures that the content you publish is seen by exactly the right people. By upgrading to the Guaranteed Engagement, you can reach that audience in a variety of different ways, like by gender, ethnicity, job title and income range. Learn how to create a successful branded content campaign!

Facebook Handshake Campaigns and Instagram Ads

A very exciting option within our Guaranteed Media Placements is our Social Promotion add-on. By selecting this add-on, you’ll be able to promote your branded content to high-quality publishers’ Facebook and Instagram fans and follower lists.

How does it work? Easy! These publishers will post and promote your content on their social media pages, and you decide whether you’d like the attached link to drive users back to the publisher’s site or to your brand’s webpage. You’ll enjoy an average of 5,000–8,000 engagements, as well as the implied endorsement of these publishers.

Can a MAT release help you achieve your goals? If you’re like most companies, from small startups to Fortune 500s, the answer is a resounding yes.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in March 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Multiple price options available

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