Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation

See how Brandpoint helped drive awareness to this foundation by creating and distributing a high-quality infographic.
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Drive awareness through branded visual content

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation recently celebrated 25 years of Christopher Reeve’s legacy and wanted a way to share the key moments of the Foundation’s accomplishments with a broader audience. They worked with Brandpoint to create an infographic that matched their brand guidelines and told the story of the organization’s milestones in a clear, easy-to-read way.

Christopher Reeve Foundation

Click the above image to see the full infographic

Guaranteed placements on top media sites

Getting more eyes on your message

By combining Brandpoint’s Guaranteed Media Placement offering along with in-house infographic creation, the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation was able to reach a site audience of over 211 million, as well as placements in the 10 largest US DMAs.

Included in the 1,000+ online site placements were a number of nationally known media news sites, and the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation was featured in the LA Times, San Francisco Gate, the Chicago Tribune and New York Daily News.  

Partner with our in-house team to create fresh content

We understand how important it is for all of your marketing assets to fit into one clear branded vision. Brandpoint worked with the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to make sure this infographic fit in with already existing graphics and designs. Thanks to a thorough approval workflow process, the final product was right at home in the Foundation’s content library, providing the audience a clear, omnichannel story.

Christopher Reeve Infographic

Our branded content solutions will earn you thousands of media placements, guaranteed.